Who owns the art I see around campus, and how can I find out more information about a particular work of art?


Many of the artworks installed in the buildings around campus are owned by the College as part of the Permanent Art Collection and cared for by the Mandeville Gallery staff. You can view the Permanent Collection section of our website at www.union.edu/gallery. You may also contact mandevillegallery@union.edu to inquire about any works of art that interest you. We can provide in-depth information on many pieces, as well as opportunities for research and further exploration.

Information about the artworks on view in the Mandeville Gallery and the Wikoff Student Gallery in the Nott Memorial, or Castrucci Gallery in the Wold Center, can be found on our website: www.union.edu/gallery.

  • Last Updated Apr 26, 2023
  • Views 60
  • Answered By Lindsay Bush

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