I'm having trouble accessing a library resource. What should I do?


If you're unable to access a library resource, please try the following:

  1. Are you trying to access resources from off campus? Many of our resources are licensed to members of the Union community only. If you are a member of the Union community, make sure you are using Primo, the library's discovery tool, or our list of subject databases to find links to materials. Primo or database links will automatically prompt you to log in so you can access resources. For more information, view our off-campus connecting guide.
  2. Is the needed resource being shown as unavailable on a website? While we do our best to ensure our links are always working, there are times when there may be issues. Use our "Report an Issue" form to tell us more about the problem so we can troubleshoot right away. The link may be broken, or we may not have access to that particular resource.
  3. Are you having trouble finding relevant information? A librarian can help! You can email us, book an appointment, or call us. Learn more at our Ask a Librarian page.
  • Last Updated Mar 31, 2023
  • Views 22
  • Answered By Joanna DiPasquale

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